Saturday, January 19, 2013


Dominic, Rachel & AJ

Rachel in action
Dominic returning for another run.
Dominic, AJ, Rachel and Steve took their first runs in the snow. The picture may be a little deceiving. We live at the top of a very big hill. Where they sledded (is this a word?) is about a 10 minute walk from our house.  We are lucky there are great bike trails and open land everywhere!

They did not go to the very bottom of this hill but it was still a great place to sled and it sure looks impressive!

They had a great time and Steve came home and ordered two more sleds after checking out what the competition was using on the hill.  I suspect these will not be the last of our sled purchases.

You may be asking yourself, "But, where is Stefanie?".  Does it surprise you at all when I answer, "shopping with a friend"?  I thought not.


  1. Daddy goes to work, me and mommy go shopping! My still, to this day, all-time Stefanie favorite quote!

  2. Oh my gosh - I forgot about that!! Too funny Mel!
