Thursday, March 16, 2017

Oops...She did it again!

Well, Rachel made it 17 days injury free. Track season started this week and at the end of practice they were participating in a "fun" drill and racing running backwards on the track. Rachel tripped and landed really badly on her wrist.  Yes, the same one that had just healed. So, back to the ER we went. And yes, the x-ray confirmed another break. This time was a bit more spectacular and because of the position of the broken bone she required surgery and a metal plate to put everything back in its proper place. Upside - no cast and she can still participate in track. Downside pretty impressive scar and removal of the plate at some point. Rachel however thinks this is cool, especially no cast but she also thinks the scar is awesome.
Post Surgery
Thankfully they put her in the children's wing for her one night stay. They originally had her in the adult part of the hospital but the head nurse changed that because as she said, "everyone is really old". Rachel had a sweet little girl for a roommate. Antonia was quite sad that Rachel was leaving the next day and wouldn't be with her.  Rachel read her stories and watched movies with her. It was excellent for her German too because her little friend didn't speak any English!

Antonia & Rachel
Hopefully it will fade over time...

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