Sunday, August 17, 2014

Acceptance Day at West Point

It was finally here.  The day we get to see Dominic.  This is the official end to the new cadets summer training.  Now they parade out onto the plain and join the rest of the corp in their new regiments.
Dominic is 2nd row, 2nd cadet. Kudos to our niece Bethany for getting this shot!
Steve, AJ, Stefanie, Rachel, Grandpa Teddy, Granny
Grandma, Bethany, Mike, Kayleigh, Ken, Vicki & Mark
The parade and ceremony were very impressive to watch. First the older cadets marched onto the field in their regiments.  Then the new cadets marched on and stood in front of the bleachers.  They were then accepted into the Corps of Cadets.  They marched forward and blended into their new companies.  Then all the companies paraded in front of the superintendent. There are approximately 4000 cadets. It is a very impressive thing to see!

We were psyched to be able to spot Dominic and we are so very proud that he is choosing this path to serve his country.

After the parade the cadets marched back to their quarters where they had to be officially dismissed to join their families. The Army knew how to insure that parents didn’t rush off the field. The Army Parachute team did a demonstration. It was incredible to watch them drop out of the helicopter and then come screaming down to the field.  Five great landings, very cool.

We all walked over to our spot to meet Dominic.  We had quite a crowd of support.  There were of course the five of us, but also my parents, Steve’s mom, Steve’s sister Vicki, her husband Mike, their son Mark and daughter Bethany with her husband and daughter, Ken and Kayleigh.  It was great to have so many people there for Dominic.

Rachel, Dominic & Stefanie
Dominic & AJ
We spotted Dominic walking across a field towards us, both girls took off on a run to greet him.  Then it was hugs by everyone.  It was so great to see him in person after seven weeks.  We all noticed a change in him right away.  Definitely a physical change, he was clearly thinner after seven weeks of intense training but also carried himself differently. He wasn’t just standing straighter but more confidently too. He also spoke differently, more direct and very clear.  The Army had been hard at work!

Proud, proud parents
Grandpa Teddy, Granny, Dominic, Rachel, Stefanie & AJ 

Dominic & Grandma
We took many pictures with him and before we got ready to head to lunch we took on of him in front of Kosciuszko’s statue. As we were finishing, a tour bus pulled up to the statue. A huge group of teenage girls jumped off the bus and ran for Dominic to have their picture taken with him. He was very gracious and smiled and posed until they were done.  Telling them all to have a nice day when they were finished.

He's kind of a big deal!
We all enjoyed watching!
We had a lovely lunch back at our hotel.  The day was beautiful and we ate outside on the patio all enjoying taking turns listening to Dominic’s stories about his summer.

That night we tried a German restaurant for dinner. It wasn’t quite what we expected.  We’ve probably been a little spoiled by actually living in Germany but it was a nice dinner.

Dominic with Grandpa DelRosso's favorite - General Patton
We got to spend most of Sunday with Dominic too.  It was great to let him relax at the hotel with his siblings. Then we took him shopping for a few things he needed and out to one last good meal at Outback before we had to take him back to base.

Rachel, Missy, Dominic, Steve, Stefanie & AJ 

It was hard to say good-bye, it’s a long time until Christmas. But he was ready to get back to work.  We left him at Grant circle and we headed to the airport. 

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