Sunday, March 10, 2013

Dominic's London Rugby Tournament

Dominic taking the ball down the field.
Dominic's rugby team traveled to London this week for the Rugby ISSTs (International Schools Sports Tournament). They left on Wednesday and returned late Saturday night.

It was more than a little odd to put Dominic on the train to the airport with friends. Once at the airport they met their coach and the rest of the team and they were off to London. Still, not taking him myself was a little disconcerting, even if it is the norm here.

The other thing that was more than a little unsettling? Knowing that I was sending him FAR away to play five rugby games. Rugby is not a gentle sport. I had to work hard to not spend too much time thinking about what might be happening on the field.

Dominic's facebook post on Saturday pretty much sums up why I was worried. Rugby is rough.  For the record, he is fine.

Can't chew, hands don't work right, and walking is difficult.

A great time!

The weather in London was typical from what we've heard. Rainy. Very, very rainy. This of course led to muddy fields and muddy boys. I'm pretty sure Dominic brought home half of the field with his uniforms. Thankfully the family housing them did wash their uniforms each night so they started clean and dry each day.

While their team didn't do well in the tournament they did still have fun. A big contributing factor to the team not being as competitive as the other teams? They haven't played since November. They have been working out but the other teams in the competition played all winter long. I think kudos go to these boys for getting out there and competing!

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