I flew back to Ohio for a short visit with my parents and AJ. I decided to come so AJ and I could go to the Ohio State vs BGSU football game but I got to do so much more!!
I had two fun days shopping with my mom and hanging out with my parents. Life as an only child is so awesome. Plus I squeezed in lunch with my college friends Carla & Randy and maybe even convinced them to visit us in Germany...
Dad, Missy, Mom |
Friday, I picked up AJ at school. I got to see his new dorm room. He's in the newest dorm on campus and it's super nice. Lucky kid!
We did some shopping for AJ and then started our weekend of sports with an Indians game. It was a great night, the (W)Indians won and there were fireworks! So much fun for me and AJ!
Saturday morning started with an early morning drive to Columbus for the Ohio State vs BGSU football game. AJ's friend Evan joined us for the drive, which wasn't just fun but informative. Evan shared lots of great stories on the car ride!
Evan, Missy & AJ (AJ is representing OSU & BGSU, he doesn't lack confidence) |
We got to campus early. I did some shopping and the boys met up with some friends for a short time at a tailgate. Then we met my college friends and did a little tailgating of our own before the game!
Tailgating at what was once known as The Flying Tomato |
We met AJ's girlfriend Mary at the gate. It was so terrific to meet her and to go to the game with the three of them, especially AJ. AJ is by far our biggest sports fan and definitely the biggest Buckeye fan of our kids. He went to his first game last year with a friend from BGSU so I was glad I finally got to go to a game with him!
AJ, Mary, Missy & Evan |
Script Ohio |
After the game we went to my friend Letty's house for pizza and catching up with my college friends. The college kids were good sports and hung out for a couple of hours before it was time to head home. For me it was fantastic to visit with four of my really good college friends.
Friends since freshman year - Eileen, Letty, Missy, Rojo & Erica |
Such a great weekend! I'm so glad I got to go!